5 Ways To Exercise Without Going To The Gym

5 Ways To Exercise Without Going To The Gym

I have a confession to make, I find gyms to be about the most boring places in the universe, and thus my morning struggle to entice myself out of bed to exercise is often (read almost always) unsuccessful. Lucky for me, I don’t seem to be alone in this. Thus, the subject of this post: 5 of the least boring ways sydneysiders have come up with to get themselves to exercise.

(Full disclosure: I haven’t actually tried any of these yet, but nevertheless, the curiosity factor alone is a whole lot more likely to entice me out of bed than the gym).

5. Swing Dancing

It might look like controlled chaos, but swing dancing is a high energy dance style which gives you a real workout.

4. Scenic Cycle

According to TimeOut “the concept is simple – riders mount stationary bikes in a dark fitness studio and watch a pre-filmed route as they pedal”. Ok yeah that’s pretty simple, but the real question is… brilliant or insane?

3. RollerFit

What better way to exercise than on wheels? RollerFit teaches the basics of roller skating while giving you a workout. Sessions include drills, games, activities and even some roller-dancing.

5. Swing Dancing


It might look like controlled chaos, but swing dancing is a high energy dance style which gives you a real workout.

4. Scenic Cycle


According to TimeOut “the concept is simple – riders mount stationary bikes in a dark fitness studio and watch a pre-filmed route as they pedal”. Ok yeah that’s pretty simple, but the real question is… brilliant or insane?

3. RollerFit


What better way to exercise than on wheels? RollerFit teaches the basics of roller skating while giving you a workout. Sessions include drills, games, activities and even some roller-dancing.

2. Retrosweat 


Retrosweat bills itself as “the authentic 1980s freestyle aerobic workout!” Inspired by the original VHS workouts made famous by the likes of Jane Fonda, Retrosweat is a work out set to a soundtrack of classic 80s hits (with the leotards and leg warmers to match).

1. Pre-work Dance Parties


A craze that started in London has made its way to Sydney; Morning Gloryville Sydney now run drug and alcohol-free morning raves between 6:30 and 10:30am, as a fun, freestyle way of getting your morning workout.

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